Supporting people who have an intellectual disability

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Welcome to Community Living Belleville and Area!

Community Living Belleville and Area supports people with intellectual disabilities to live a full, valued and rewarding life. This means living in their own home, being an active, important part of their community, enjoying friendships and healthy relationships with others, and making a meaningful contribution to society through work and volunteerism. People with intellectual disabilities want the same things as everyone else!

At Community Living Belleville and Area listens to people with intellectual disabilities; as well as their parents, family members and community partners so individualized plans can developed. These plans cater to the person's needs, wants, goals and to provide outstanding quality supports and services. Community Living Belleville and Area is uncompromising in its Vision, Mission and values.  It strives for continuous quality improvement by a relentless examination of its supports and services through the eyes of people supported.

People who know Community Living Belleville and Area praise its constant willingness and desire to adjust organizational practices to best support people and their life priorities.

CQL    Children and Youth Services Network    Watch our Video     Accessibility    United Way Quinte    Ontario Trillium Foundation