Community Living Belleville and Area supports people with intellectual disabilities to live a full, valued and rewarding life. This means living in their own home, being an important part of a welcoming community, enjoying friendships and healthy relationships with other people and making a meaningful contribution to society through work and volunteerism. People with intellectual disabilities want the same things as everyone else!
At Community Living Belleville and Area, we listen to people with intellectual disabilities, their parents and family members and community partners, so that we can make the best decisions in response to their needs, wants and goals and provide outstanding quality supports and services. We are uncompromising in our Vision, Mission and values. We remain focused on continuous quality improvement by a relentless examination of our supports and services through the eyes of people receiving them.
People who know Community Living Belleville and Area talk about our constant willingness and desire to adjust organizational practices to best support people and their life priorities.