Supporting people who have an intellectual disability

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It is in the experiencing of what we are involved in ,and when we are involved in experiencing, we are connecting.

This calendar is developed for people supported by Community Living Belleville and Area. If a community member wishes to participate in the events in this calendar, that person would be responsible for their own cost and transportation.  AS THINGS ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE, PLEASE ENSURE YOU REVIEW THE CALENDAR AGAIN THE FIRST OF EACH MONTH.

It is important that CLBA receives the request two weeks prior to the event to ensure there would be sufficient supplies and so that the event can run smoothly. Please fax your calendars to 613.969.7775 or phone  613.962.2625. If there is a problem with the selections you will be notified.  If you are unable to attend, please call to cancel so we can let the people who wanted to come know there is now space available.


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Scented sachets (Cinnamon nutmeg) and chocolate bark - $3.00 per item-10:00 a.m. - noon

Date:November 21, 2022
Time:10:00am - 12:00pm

Christmas Gift Baskets – You can come all three days or choose just certain ones you want and attend those days only.   There is limited space so if you are coming, please let us know the dates as soon as possible.  The cost is $3.00 per item.  You buy your own baskets.

If you are unable to attend after you have booked, please let us know and depending what is being made that day, we might be able to make your share for you.

You are welcome to bring your own lunch.

November 21st - Scented Sachets and Chocolate Bark – $3.00 per item.  


CQL    Children and Youth Services Network    Watch our Video     Accessibility    United Way Quinte    Ontario Trillium Foundation